Our analyses are carried out in a DAkkS-accredited lab in Germany, which is equivalent to a UKAS accreditation.
As the Drinking Water Inspectorate strictly regulates UK drinking water, it is generally of very good quality. It is tested almost daily by the water company in your area before it goes on its long journey to your house pipes. However, the waterworks' responsibility ends at your house connection. From here, you (the owner) or the landlord are responsible for the house's water quality.
Not only is the quality of your tap water paramount for drinking for hydration, but it is also particularly relevant if you use a water carbonator, such as SodaStream or a coffee machine.
Harmful substances such as lead, copper and nickel can leak into your drinking water through your pipes or, most frequently, the tap fittings. Drinking these harmful toxins can lead to numerous illnesses and diseases. So if you are unsure about the quality of your tap water, you should conduct regular water analyses in a professional laboratory.